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Stand on draft Terms of Application BG05M9OP001-2.005 "Active Engaging"

NGOs that have been working for years on issues related to providing social services to vulnerable groups, social entrepreneurship, and development of policies aimed at social engaging and human rights have prepared a stand on a draft Terms of Application under BG05M9OP001-2.005 Active Engaging, Operational Program Human Resources Development.

The stand contains both general comments on the contradictory practice of the different state institutions for the management of financing programmes in Bulgaria, which support the same activities, but in a different way, which creates many risks - incorrect application of European legislation, unequal treatment (in Bulgaria compared to other countries), incorrect transfer of responsibility to operators, beneficiaries, etc., as well as specific comments that are specifically aimed at preventing such risks in the particular operation and ensuring the lawful spending of the funds. The stand also makes recommendations to the Managing Authority.

 Read the stand (in Bulgarian).

Supporting organisations:

Bulgarian Center of Not-for-Profit Law

National Alliance for Volunteer Work

National Network for Children

YMCA - Gabrovo

New Path Association, Hayredin

BCause Foundation

The World of Maria Foundation

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