Фондация BCause (България) и организациите партньори по проект SEEDplus2 канят начинаещи и утвърдени предприемачи да се включат в уеб семинар, представящ възможностите за пътуване и обмяна на опит по програмата "Еразъм за млади предприемачи". Работен език - английски.
Aspire to Inspire: Erasmus for Young Entrepreneurs Webinar
Tune into our webinar on May 14th (1-2pm CET) to learn more about the application process, the benefits of taking part in this type of entrepreneur exchanges, meet EYE alumni and explore creative ideas for your business.
In the breakout sessions you can choose between learning to write a solid business plan, finding a perfectly matching entrepreneur, as well as explore perspectives after the programme.
Sign up for the webinar: https://surveymonkey.com/r/EYEwebinar
Facebook Event: https://www.facebook.com/events/241556187059525/
Read more about SEEDPlus2
Инициативата е подкрепена от Европейския съюз.
An initiative supported by the European Union.