Фондация BCause, партньор по проект SEEDplus2, кани начинаещи и утвърдени предприемачи да се включат в уеб семинар, представящ възможностите за пътуване и обмяна на опит по програмата "Еразъм за млади предприемачи". Работен език - английски.
Are you at the beginning of your entrepreneurial career and want to learn from an experienced entrepreneur abroad? Or are you an experienced entrepreneur that wants to host and work with such a motivated person? Then the EU-funded Program Erasmus for Young Entrepreneurs (EYE) is what you were looking for.
If you are eager to find out more about it, register for the Webinar hosted by SEEDplus, which will take place on:
Thursday, 20th of June, 10am to 11am CEST
Free registration: https://attendee.gotowebinar.com/register/1233601868162562828
The webinar will provide you a useful insight on how the program works! You also will get a great opportunity to listen to the experience of an entrepreneur that already participated in EYE twice - first as an guest entrepreneur and later on also as an host. Of course you will have the opportunity to ask questions to him as well as to the project coordinators. We are looking forward to meeting you online.
Read more about SEEDPlus2
Инициативата е подкрепена от Европейския съюз.
An initiative supported by the European Union.